1790-07-30 (static/transcriptions/1790/07/084.jpg)
1790. Sessions. [Friday] July 30.
Gocul bhos were not then near enough to hear what the prisoner said. I desired them to come nearer, & they must have heard, what I heard, the prisoner, the prisoner say “You are all decoits; go away or I will shoot you.” Lateef and Kyrro were there at the same time. The prisoner did not say: “I have caught a thief & will do what I please with him.” The prisoner spoke Hindustani. I understand Hindustani but do not speak it well. (She is then examined in Hindustani for a short time, & repeats the Hindustani words used by the prisoner) I went home: my husband was not brought home that night; but the next morning I saw my husband lying in the road near the