1790-12-23 (static/transcriptions/1790/12/378.jpg)

1790. Sessions. R. v. Bindabun [Thursday] Dec. 23.

Witness Sunker Shaupooee
Sonar, under the Custody of Paicks at Bindabun’s House.
I staid two or three days in the House of Bindabun because Bindabun is the Zemindar. That House is in Ghurran Huttah in Calcutta.
At night Ramhurry was confined in the Hall, in the day he was suffer’d to go out in Custody of a Paick.
I saw Ramhurry, Beaten, Bindabun gave the orders, I heard him, I was there in the Hall, the Paicks tied the Hands and Thumbs of Ramhurry. I do not remember
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