1790-12-24 (static/transcriptions/1790/12/404.jpg)

1790. Sessions. R. v. Bindabun. [Friday] Dec. 24.

Witness Ramjee.
Ramjee Sonaur. Sworn.
My Mother desired me to come and inquire of my brother and I came and found him in the House of Brindabun Bysaak – This was 17th, 18th, 19th, or Twentieth of Bysaak. It is about Ten or Eleven Months ago. I am sure it was in Bysaak. I know Rammohun Takoor, I did not find Rammohun there. I came in the Evening to the House of Bindabun Bysaak. After Set-Set the same day, Bindabun Bysaak sent from Ram-
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