1781-12-10 (static/transcriptions/1781/12/005.jpg)

1781 Sessions [Monday] Dec. 10th
I came to take care of my Husband. We were thirteen days coming from Burdwan to Calcutta: One day from Hoodley to Calcutta. I paid the boat hire. They carried me to Groo Persaud’s House: I saw him at the House of Groo Persaud at Durrum Tullah in Calcutta: We were carried before Groo Persaud. I do not know who he is. I believe he is the Master of Connoy Doss. Connoy said Groo Persaud is the whole, every thing, I made my compliant to Groo Persaud.
Groo Persaud settled the matter. He found Hurry Paurey did nothing to Connoy Doxx.
/ My