1791-01-07 (static/transcriptions/1791/01/084.jpg)


First Term 1791
These being read Mr. Davies shews cause agt the Rule.
In the 3d T: 1789, a Rx nisi was obtain’d by the same Lewis Vass & J. Muckerji for a writ of hab: facias possessionem, but before the time came for shewing cause, a bill was filed by Ramrutton Tagoor, stating that Rob. Holme only took possession illegally, and without process, not in his own right, but as attorney to certain psons in Engld whom he alleged to be Hrs & represves of Jno Holme deced; that in fact John Holme had sold the House in his life time to Gocul Gosal for Rs. 55,000 & became his Tenant at 500 Rs a month. That the house was sold by the Sheriff under process agt the Estate of Gocul Gosal for 36000 Rs & Ramrutton,