1791-02-11 (static/transcriptions/1791/02/088.jpg)


Sittings after First Term
Eq: Edward Tiretta against
Same Day
In Equity

Edward Tiretta – Complt:
Moraud Elias – Deft
On the 20th of last month, Mr. Dunkin for Compl: obtained a Rx nisi for an Attachment agt Duckyram Ghose & Gopaul Sercar for contempt of Court in altering certain papers produced as Exhibits on the part of Complt in the office of the Examiner.
Mr. Dunkin now moves to make the Rule absolute.
Read the grounds of the Motion
1. Affid: of Complainant.
2. of Petrus Garrack, who in proof of an alteration made in the paper 387, produces an Armenian version the rest of which he swears is true & faithful.
3. Affidavit of Juggomohun Chatterji
4. of Obeychurn Sercar.
5. of Aratoon Vertancess.