1791-08-01 (static/transcriptions/1791/08/004.jpg)


I was not in my shop, when a man came to call me, & I returned to my shop. I look at the paper produced. (A.) the servant, who called me, showed me, this very paper, & sd it was offered for sale: I suspected it forged, & carried it to Mr. Mee, who took it. That servants was Dattaram Dutt. I made up alteration in the paper (A). I do not remember having never left with Mr. Mee any other suspected paper except one wch was this.)

I cannot read English, but I know the number & date of such papers, & by & sell [ILL] I have had large dealings of that sort with Mr. Mee, in certificates. I looked at A very attentively & it has the same appearance, wch it then had.