1791-08-01 (static/transcriptions/1791/08/011.jpg)
to read the paper. One Rasoo dher I sent for, as he can read English. On my saying this the man, who bro the certe, rose up, & sd “Why are you so much disturbed? The gentleman writers is now in China bazar, I will go & bring him.” I sd no, sit down, tell, where that writer is: my man shall bring him. I made him sit down, but he rose immediately, & went out & sd. Why are you suspicious, I will go & bring the writer’. He left the certe with me, I suspected strongly from the great value of the certe wch he left. I thot it forged. & when he was in the street, I called to him to take away his certe, saying, I would not buy a paper to cause disturbance, (holding it out). He returned 2 or 3 paces, & then retreated & ran away towards Tula bazar. I ordered my people to seize him: they ran, but could not over take him.