1791-08-01 (static/transcriptions/1791/08/030.jpg)


I left them & went to Baburam with that message. On that evening 4 gheris after sunset, Baburam to my house I sd Why did Narain want me, do you know? It was to sell, a compy certe, was I, Herikissen & anor man (whose name I know not) took to podar in the Burra Bazar, who detected it as false, & we all made our escape. He sd He did not know it was forged, when [ILL] his hand. I sd I will [ILL] Omer Sing’s to-morrow [ILL]? I went to Omer Sing’s, & [ILL] saw Tonu, Rampersad, Mudden (in whose house he then lived) & Narain Dutt, they all sd welcome, we have sent people to call you. Narain & Omer sd we