1791-09-03 (static/transcriptions/1791/09/001.jpg)


Saturday 3 Sept: 1791.
Present Mr. Justice Hyde.
The Session having been adjourned to this day, His Majesty’s Royal Letters Patent, appointing Sir Robert Chambers Knight Chief Justice of this Court, are now read in open Court by the Clerk of the Crown.
The Oaths are then administred to Sir Robert Chambers by the Honourable Mr. Justice Hyde.
The Honourable Sir Robert Chambers then takes his seat as Chief Justice.
His Majesty’s Royal Letters Patent, appointing Sir William Dunkin Knight junior puisne Judge of the Court, are now read in open Court by the Clerk of the Crown.
The Oaths are then administred to Sir William Dunkin by the Chief Justice.
The Honourable Sir William Dunkin Knight takes his seat as junior puisne Judge.