1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/203.jpg)
any Heba Nama or Ekraur aum, or, knowing the seal or attestation of the said Ghyrut Beg or any other person or persons thereto and this deponent further saith that at the time the said Ghyrut Beg was so Confined as aforesaid he this deponent at the request of the said Ghyrut Beg went to Nauderah Begum the defendant in this Cause and represented to her the said Nauderah Begum and the said Cojah Zekeriah had brought the said Ghyrut Beg, in answer to which the said Nauderah Begum told this deponent, that she could not help it, that as matters ahd now gone so far the only rememder left was for the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg to stand firm in the support of two paper writings or Instruments which had been fabricated since the death of Shabaz beg Khan namely the Heba Nameh and Ekraur aum, and, to swear that they were true and valid Instruments executed by the said Shahbaz beg Khan and attested by the said Ghyrut Beg in the life time of the said Shahbazbeg Khan for, that if he the said [ILL] Beg should refuse or decline swearing to that Effect, and Confess that the said papers had been forged, and, that the seal of the said Shahbaz beg Khan and of the said Ghyrut Beg had been affixed to them since the death of the said Shahbeg Khaun, the life of the said Ghyrut Beg would be in danger, and, that it would be both to take a false oath than endanger his life besides which he would by so doing render an essential service to the said Nauderah Begum by securing to her the possession of the Estate and Effects of her deceased Husband the said Shabaz beg Khan and this deponent further saith that upon receiving such answer from the said Nauderah Begum he this deponent returned