1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/215.jpg)
Grossly disappointed the said COjah Zekeriah, whom she had, at the time of making and publishing the said two papers or Instruments called Heba Nama and Ekraur Aum, and by way of recompence for the Trouble and pains which the said Cojah Zekariah had taken in Fabricating and Forging the said papers and the Establishing the Proof thereof in the Court at the Trial of the abovementioned Action, promised very many and great advantages and Rewards, instead of which she the said Nauderah Begum had entirely desisted the said Cojah Zekeriah and his Interests. And the Deponent further saith the said Cojah Zekeriah, at the said last above mentioned meeting between the said Cojah Zekariah and this Deponent congratulated this Deponent upon his this Deponent’s having refused to put his Seal to, or otherwise attest the Execution of the said several papers, and then positively and unequivocally confessed to and told this Deponent that the said two several papers respectively called Heba Namah and Ekraur Aum were and each of them was false forged and Counterfeited by the said Cojah Zekeriah in Conjunction with the said Nauderah Begum and Others.