1791-11-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/217.jpg)
Tuesday 22 Nov: 1791.
No. 21 Affidavit of Cojah Futteh Ullah.
was to be disposed of. That thre said Cojah Zekeriah then made proffers & appearences of friendship both from the Begum & himself but Depont persisted in his refusal, alledging that he wod never sacrifice his faith his credit or reputation to promises of friendship or hope of gain. And this Dept for: saith that the sd Cojah Zekeriah finding that he cod not prevail upon this Dept to affix his this Depts own Seal to the sd Paper Writing or Heba Namma then in the most urgent and pressing terms introduced this Dept to use his endeavours to procure the seal or attestation of the Cauzee of the City of Patna or of some Mufti of Eminence & Character to the sd Paper Writg or Heba Namma and at the same time said that he wod give or was authorized by the said N. Begum to gve to such Cauzee on Mufti the sum of 5000 Rs. That this Dept then advised the sd Coja Zekeriah to desist from any such scheme, but, at length finding him obstinately bent upon it he this Dept did agree to speak and did afterwards speak to Cauzi Saadi then Cauzi of the sd City of Patna