1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/247.jpg)
Thursday 24 November 1791.
For Defendt No. 2. Defendant’s Answer.
sets forth, but denies the truth of the assertions therein, both generally & particularly she expressly denies, that she ever secreted or removed any part of the property of her said husbd either before or after his death [mentioning the principal facts]. She cannot speak of her own knowledge concerning any Pewanah issued by the Prob Council to the Cazi and Muftees. That being ill treated, [see particulars] she in a fit of despondency sent her seal to the Cazi & Muftis, and said in a distressed tone of voice “They may appoint Cojah Zeccaria, or whom they will.” – Admits that they afterwards considered Zeccaria as her vakeel, but he was no otherwise appointed or empowered by her, neither cod he act as such, being during a great part of the time in prison;