1791-11-26 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/475.jpg)
different circumstances of it.
The best colour that can be put upon this affid: is that G: Beg was so weak, in mind & body; at the time when it was made, that he knew not what was true & what. But it is to be feared that even this is too favourable; for the poor feeble old man was supported by Behadur Beg & might have been led by him to swear anything.
[That he was supported by B. B: see Naderah Begum’s answer, for his state of mind & body see Delmeer Khan & Shaic Buddi ud din, & Examiner’s Certif:]
Supposing the Confession to have been made while he was sound in mind, is the testimony of a man who confesses