1791-12-03 (static/transcriptions/1791/12/005.jpg)

2. Robert Macfarlane
13. John Elliot.
3. John Palmer
14. Charles Barber.
4. James Wintle
15. Benjamin Grindall
5. John Lewis Auriol
16. Francis Mure.
6. William Pawson
17. Robert Samuel Perreau
7. Henry Frail
18. Robert Udny
8. George Wlliamson
19. David Ross
9. John Reid
20. John Hall
10. Charles Law
21. [ILL] Aberdein
11. Thomas Redhead
22. Thomas Abraham
12. Robert Hall
23. John Addison

“I discharge the duty of my situation this day with peculiar satisfaction, when I see that I am to address a Grand Jury, composed of Gentlemen of such talents for discernment and investigation, and of impartiality to direct such investigation; Gentlemen, fully sensible to the utility and importance of the duty they undertake, and conscious that they are now called upon to bear their part in the support of the principal, and the most inestimable Pillar of our liberties, the Trial by Jury I am confident, Gentlemen, that you fully understand the spirit and