1791-12-22 (static/transcriptions/1791/12/218.jpg)


Thursd: 22 Dec. 1791.
Present Mr. Justice Hyde
& Sir William Dunkin
One indictment was brought to Trial viz

The King, on the prosecution}
of Rammohun T’hacur }
v } Robbery on
Goorjoogey & Juggomohun } the Highway
T’hacur }
Juggomohun not having been taken the prisoner Goorjoogey is now put to the Bar, and a Jury is sownr to try him; but the prosecutor, though called thrice on his recognizance, taken during the first Session 1791, does not appear. A fine of 1000 S.R. is set upon him.
Two wtses whose names were on the back of the indictment were also called, but did not appear.
Verdict Not Guity.
Session adjd to Saturday