1791-12-30 (static/transcriptions/1791/12/229.jpg)
of one Shilling of Lawful money of Great Britan then and there charged with Gun Powder and two pieces of Copper coin called Pice which Gun the said Samuel Middleditch in both his hands then and there had & held to against and upon the said Humphry Hopkins then and there feloniously willfully and of his malice aforethought did shoot and discharge, and that the said Samuel Middleditch with the two pieces of Copper coin called pill aforesaid out of the Gun aforesaid then and there by the force of the Gun powder shot discharge and sent forth as aforesaid the said Humphry Hopins in and upon the right side immediately under the Ribs of him the said Humphry Hopkins then and there with two two pieces of Copper coin called pice aforesaid out of the Gun aforesaid by the said Samuel Middleditch so aforesaid shot discharge and sent forth feloniously willfully & of his malice aforethought did strike penetrate and wound giving to the said Humphry Hopkins then and there