1791-12-30 (static/transcriptions/1791/12/231.jpg)
Aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do say that the said Samuel Middleditch did then and there in manner and form aforesaid feloniously willfully and of his malice aforethought he the said Humphry Hopkins kill and murder against the Peace of our said Lord the King his Crown & Dignity.
To this charge are added two averments – 1 That the prisoner is subject to the jurisdiction of the court by having been a British subject resident in Bengal at the time of committing the felony & murder aforesaid. And 2ndly That he is so subject because at the time of committing the sd offence he was in the service of the E. India Company.
Names of the Jury.
1 John George Honon
7. Henry Ormsby.
2. William Gaynard
8. Thomas Smith.
3. John Broome.
9. Richard Phare
4. John Casey
10. Joseph Hancock Hutchinson
5. Edmund Morony
11. James Macarthur
6. Alexander Raitt
12 George Scott