1792-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1792/11/005.jpg)


as a personal things, because he hath them in anothers right, and not to his own use, and he may be administrator as well as a person Outlawed or obtained may be an Executor; And this Court hath no authority about committing administrations, &c, Pasch. 41. Eliz. Not. 1704. Beck versus Philipps. Debt brought by an Administrator, The Defendant pleads that the Plaintiff was an alien nee, adjudged Quod Respondra. Ouster.

Mr. Strettel, also in support of the Caveat.
Contends that Paullo de Mello is entitled to the Admon by law, as the next of Kin in this country though not absolutely the next. He quotes a passage from the Charter pa: 29. by which the court is required to grant admon the Court is required to grant admon to the lawful next of Kin “and in case no such person then be residing within the Jurisdiction of the said Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, or being duly cited, shal not appear, and pay