1792-11-14 (static/transcriptions/1792/11/014.jpg)
viz – Mir Hafiz Ullah Khan & Kurrim au Nissah his wife, & Aminah, Heirs & legal represves of Mohammed Wulli decd, & who by Moham: Law are entitled &c
Hadji Eusop (qu. Iusufer)
Plain J: 30 June 1792
Deft is averred to be an inhabitant of Calcutta & subject ot the Jurisdon of the S. Cot
1 Co. for 10000 – lent & advd by deced
2 Co. for 10000 paid & exp by deced
3d Co: for 10000, had & recd to the use of dec
4. Co: for 10,000 – on an insimul comput: Defns & intestatus Wulli
Plea, non assumpsit
Issue thereon
1st Wts for Plf
Abd ul Uhab.
proves the Jurisdon prout
Keremal nissa was the sister of Md Wulli