1794-07-01 (static/transcriptions/1794/07/003.jpg)

Decree proposed by Mr. Burroughs.
1. That the fund now in the hands of Account: Genl shall be applied in liquid as far as it goes, of the demands sums due to the Complt, for Money advd by him on the ship or [ILL] for his own as well as the seamens wages, or sailing charges, of any such sums remain unpaid or borrowed by him during the voyage according to the sailing orders, and for the amount of bond from Carvalho to him d: 29 Mar: 1788. – 13,747 C.R. & Int: to this and his costs in their suit.
2. The sums due on jc bond of Counsel & Carvalho to Baretto d. 27 Mar. 1788 assigned by Baretto to Price &Co. – with like int:
3. in liquidation of sums due on the jc bond of Complt & Carvalho