1794-07-28 (static/transcriptions/1794/07/121.jpg)
ground in question, no large house upon it, but several near it.
On the w: of it is a ho: that did belong to Padre Kiernander. A street or road passes betw: the w: boundary of the ground & Padre K’s.
Dhee Birjee includes 5 Villages or gongs, 1 Birjee, 2 Cariha, 3 Ziljellah, 4. Colinga (qu Colinga) the 5th is a part of what is now called Chowringhi.
Nundaram Meskadee was owner of 10 B. & 2 Cottahs a part of the good in question that was his Brahmuter Property I purchased from him, & sold to Ramchern. I purchased 3 B. from Abdalgazi & sold to Ramchern, also 2 B. 6C. from Kubbu Tuckeer & I sold that likewise to Ramchern.
He then names other Hindus who were proprietors of the rest of the ground, & who sold to Ramchern
Adjd till next Term