1794-08-04 (static/transcriptions/1794/08/018.jpg)

ra according to the tenor of the canon in that behalf made and provided that she the said Sarah McNamara shall live chastely and shall not contract any other marriage whilst the said Edward Comerford McNamara shall be living intimating Nevertheless, and by such intimation expressly inhibiting according to the Ecclesiastical Laws and Canons made in that behalf as well the said Edward Comerford McNamara that neither of them in the life time of each other, shall in any wise attempt or presume to contract another marriage. And we do pronounce decree and declare that the said Edward Comerford McNamara ought by Law to be condemned in lawful expences made and to be made in this cause on the part and behalf of the said Sarah McNamara to be paid to the said Sarah McNamara or her Proctor did accordingly we do condemn him in such expences which costs shall be taxed and moderated by one of the Masters of this Court