1784-12-15 (static/transcriptions/1784/12/015.jpg)

1784. Sessions. [Wednesday] Dec. 15.

and Sir Robert Chambers went home, I remained in Court, and about forty minutes after Sir Robert Chambers went away I sent for the jury and they came into Court and said two of them would not agree, I then told them if they did not agree soon I should adjourn the Court to Sir Robert Chambers’s House and they must go thither to give their Verdict. Accordingly at Five o’Clock I adjourn’d the Court to Sir Robert Chambers’s House, and I went home to dine at my own house.
The gave their Verdict at Eight o’Clock finding the Prisoner Not Guilty of the Assault with intent to kill, but Guilty of the Assault mention’d in the Second Count. And the Verdict was recorded at Sir Robert Chambers’s House, it being by the Adjournment a Verdict in Open Court and not a Privy Verdict.