1778-04-03 (static/transcriptions/1778/04/006.jpg)

1778. Sittings. Friday April 3.

House of Lemaistre. I thought the Validity of these appointments, that is, whether Mr. Uvedale or Mr. Johnson is now legal Clerk of the Crown, would have been regularly brought in Question and decided on an appeal to England by Mr. Uvedale, but, he having neglected to draw his Petition of appeal in the 4th Term 1777 and during the first Term 1778, that he could not prepare his Petition of appeal, and it being now too late so to do, I doubt that appeal will never be brought.
The last Order, which was, for the appointment of Mr. Johnson, was on November 15th 1777, and the next Terms begins June 15th 1778 which is just One Day, beyond the time of Six Months allow’d for appeals by the Charter.
This is another effect of that Doctrine of October or November 1777, that altho’ the Charter allows Six Months for every Party aggrieved to present his Petition of appeal, yet Impey and Chambers by this Doctrine take off several months from that time if the Six Months happen to expire in a Vacation, for all the Time from the last day of the preceding
/ Term