1784-12-20 (static/transcriptions/1784/12/091.jpg)

away out of the said Dwelling House of the said Andrew Doull against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do further present that the said Samuel Westbrook and Lawrence Anderson on the same day and year aforesaid with force and arms at Berhampore aforesaid in the province aforesaid other fifty six pieces of Gold coin called Gold Mohurs of the value of fifty six pounds of Lawful Money of Great Britain and other three hundred and Thirty pieces of Silver coin called Sicca Rupees of the value of thirty pounds of Lawful Money of Great Britain of the Goods and chattles of one Robert Wilson then and there being found feloniously did steal take and carry away against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity. And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do further present that the said Samuel Westbrook and Lawrence Anderson on the same day and year aforesaid with force and
/ arms