1785-11-12 (static/transcriptions/1785/11/027.jpg)
Sat: 12 Nov: 1785.
Gopaul Dass}
agt }
Kurrun Dass}
Mr. Dunkin moved to make absolute Rx for a new Trial in this cause.
The Grounds of the original motion were, Depositions on part of Plf taken at the Trial – & affidavits of the Deft & of sevl [ILL] Hindoos. as well as of the Def.
Agreed that the suit was for money had & rec’d to the use of the Plf.
Read now –
The Evid: given at the trial, viz –
1. Dep. Of Sistie Sercar – [from which] it appears that the dispute was about the [ILL] of a woman killed by Dacoits, who had been kept by Gungaram [ILL] of the Plf.
2. Dep: of Ablum Chund