1785-11-12 (static/transcriptions/1785/11/029.jpg)
& burnt straw & empty chests, & brass plates & other trifles; the whole property, so found, not exceeding to the best of their [ILL] 60 Rs.
The house sold for 101 SR out of [ILL] Zemr was entitled to 25, and as they bel: received that sum. They say that Kerrun Dass paid 60 R to one Aumeen Anoor alone beside others about the [ILL] that Sistie was vakeel for one of the [ILL] but a [ILL] of silver rings being found in possession he was confined – [ILL] obtaind his vel – but acted no more in the business – that Sistie did not act as vakeel for Kurrum Dass.
2. Afft of the Deft Kurrum Dass. – that Jewels & other effects