1785-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1785/11/074.jpg)
Friday 25 Nov: 1785.
Same cause continued.
9th Wts for Defts
Ramneedy Chowdry.
[Single Line]
The Defts’ Counsel now read the record and proceedings proved by Mr. Stark & Mr. Durnford in the cause of Punchanund Roy agt Gocul Sean.
Dep of [Rameshur?] Tackoor} for
Do of Ramneedy Tackoor } Plf
[Single Line]
For Deft
Dep: of Sittaram Mahatta.
Dep: of Choitun Beisack
Do: of Bindabun Podar
[Single Line]
For Plf in Reply – Dep