1785-12-17 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/092.jpg)
Copied from Mr. Durnford’s List of Papers.
Jones } John Molloy } Johnson
Attorney for } v } Attorney for
the Plaintiff } John Walesby} the Defendant
Nov. 29th 1785. folios
1. William Campbell 21. Plaintiff
2. John Cameron 18. Plaintiff
Dec. 14th 1785
3. Adm. Davies Advocate for the Defendant 2. Plaintiff
4. Depositions Matthew Lewis 4.
5. Ditto James Alexander. 11.
6. Ditto John Sneype. 9.
7. Ditto Thomas Templeton. 34.
8. Adm. Dunkin, Plaintiff’s Attorney 2. Defendant
9. Deposition. William Dutton. 9. Plaintiff
10. Ditto Robert Hollier. 23. Plaintiff
Dec. 15th 1785.
11. Deposition Henry Hawes Harrington. 9. Plaintiff
12. Ditto William Johnson. 38.
13. Ditto Robert Williams.
[ILL] List of the Exhibits