1785-12-09 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/191.jpg)
Friday 9 Dec. 85
Hyde & } Justices
Jones }
The King against}
Naboy Doss } for Murder
The Indictment charges that Naboy Doss inhabitant of Calcutta did on the 20th of Oct. 1785, 25 Geo 3d feloniously, wickedly & of malice aforethought make an assault on one Gungah and squeeze gripe and compress her neck & wind pipe, with his hands, by which squeezing griping & compression he the Naboy Doss, did choak suffocate & strangle her the said Gungah, which choaking &c she instantly died. The indictment further charges that Prisoner is subject to the jurisdiction of &c by having committed the said felony & murder in