1785-12-09 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/226.jpg)


N.B. In the cause of which the Trial follows in the next page, the Defendant was held to bail in the Sum of 5000 SR, by an order of Mr. Justice Hyde granted in consequence of an affidavit, in which the Plaintiff, describing the quarrel on the 9th of August 85, says, among other things “that the Defendant with out any provocation whatsoever drew a small sword, and put it to the breast of the deponent & frequently swore he would run him thro’ or lunge it into the body of Deponent & struck Deponent several times while he kept said naked sword to Deponent’s breast, and gave Deponent a severe blow on the Eye [and] endanger’d his losing the same, & likewise cut Deponent in the mouth & caused much blood to come.” [all of which is contrary to Evidence.