1785-12-23 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/439.jpg)


entered into the Service of Golaum Ashruff: N. B. 5 Months after the end of Bhadur 1191 will be Phalgum 1191 – or 9 February 1785..
One day Golaum Ashruff told me that he had sent Gowr Hurry Seat to Gopy Nasir – The next day Gowr Hurry Seat came first, & soon after him Gowr Mohun, to Golaum Ashruff.
Gowr Hurry Seat & I desired Gowr Mohun to sit down, & thereupon Golaum Ashruff asked Gowr Hurry Seat who Gowr Mohur [ILL] Gowr Hurry Seat answer’d he is a respectable man, he belongs to Gopy Nasir who had