1786-03-22 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/098.jpg)


Wedn: 22 March 1786.

Doe on Dem: of }
Gopall Auherry } Ejectment
agt }
Coonjoo Auherry}

Deft a sett: Inh: of Calc: & is subj &c
Ejectment for a dwelling ho: & 3 Cattahs of ground at Sootalooty in Calcutta.
Plea not guilty
Issue joined.
Mr. Church for [ILL] of Plf Lessor of Plf, claim under decd execd by his father 31 Pooss 1171 his father being then in passion
This Dd was regd by the Regr of Mayor’s Court who was also a [ILL]
Go on to pa: 48