1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/165.jpg)
Thursd. 30 Mar. 1786
Birjoo Roy }
agt } Trespass
Ramcaunt Munshy}
Deft an Inh: of Calc: & subj to the jurisdon of the Court
1 Co. for breaking & entering the Pf’s close called [Haut?] Murtuza Gunge in Rungpore, expelling him & keeping him out [from] 8 Dec: 1779 to the 10 April 1780, wreby he lost the profit &c
8 Co. for [ILL] the [18 Age?] 1186 13. [ILL] certain other close called [ILL] Bhowanny Gunge, Taulook Horrowah, Taulook – Soonacooly, Taalook Holdiburry, Haut Seit Gunge,