1786-03-30 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/196.jpg)


10000, or 800 Rs & you brought to acct only 6000 are you not now actable to Plf.
A. I should be answerable for the balce to Plf.
In 1186 the Puneah was in Assar; Assar began in the year as to the purpose of the Collrs [respect: the part of 1184. 1185 & [ILL] shews by Chillans [which] he produces that he had recd no more than he had given credit for] I compld to Mr. Bogle who appd an arbitr &, as the Deft did not attend, a 2d arbit: was appd. He was afraid to do anything, bec: (as he said to me) he would be turned out of his place if he decided agt the Deft. After 1 farm was taken [from] Hurry ram, he cried, & advised me to complain to Mr. Bogle. I know that afterwards Deft kept a Cutcherry & appd Bhowanny [ILL] to make the [ILL]. It was Hurry ram who told me that Deft took away the farm by Force. Hurryram is now at Rungpoor. The arbitr: whom Mr. [ILL] appd is here viz Kissno [ILL] Mozendar. Hurryram [ILL] then Dewan of the Comee. The [ILL] paper [ILL] was taken [from] me by Deft. He knew that I was [ILL] 15 Cartic, & the paper is dated 1 Agrahan. If I had refused to sign it he said made me sweat. It is for Murteza gunge [which] I never possd & is [ILL] to Ramchr Rai Deft’s bror or nephew. The [ILL] pottah & Amil nameh of that gunge were in my name. [Another Bang: paper [ILL] was then shewn to Wts who says that the signature is his, but that, if the signed it, the beng: writing was not then upon the paper, after much sifting however he says he cannot posit. Say wr the body of the writing was written or not when he sign’d it.]
I complained to Mr. Bogle for [ILL] beside Int:, that debt is not due to me but to Plf, who advanced it through me to different persons.
[ILL] he says - [ILL] is dated 1 Agr:, but I signed it 27 or 28 Agr: I was asleep, a peon called [ILL] & I went to Deft’s ho: Kisnocanto bid me write this paper, I sd I cod not [ILL] it, I was a dismissed [ILL], & it would be of no value; Deft was present & said “no mre, as the [ILL] is in your name give such a paper.”
Examd by Court – I made my compl to Mr. B. long after I had signed Hurry Kissen Bukshy was employ’d in the [ILL] appd to me to act as a servant of Mr. B: under the direction of Deft. As to the qun for whom he collected [ILL] speak as far as I saw, He acted under direction of Deft & pd [ILL] 862:13A to him, what Deft did with it afterwards I can not tell.
No. 4. Mr. Dunkin admits the service of the Notice Exh: F on the Deft’s Atty. – Exh: F is then read being a notice.