1786-07-13 (static/transcriptions/1786/07/090.jpg)
a separate answer to each article.
[Here Mr. D: reads part of Sittaram’s depos- beginning at pa: 4&6 and then compares it with Babooram’s pa. 1. & 2.]
Sittaram’s accot improb: in itself – Babooram’s highly prob: & they are both Plf’s Wtses.
Rampersaud will not only confirm Babooram’s acct but will prove that even next day, the promised answers to the sevl articles were not written, and will tell why, viz bec: Banarassy wanted the writer Buddinath to put down the sums he had paid as well as what he had recd, & he wod not. If he were here to be X Exd he might tell from whose