1786-10-31 (static/transcriptions/1786/10/092.jpg)


Tuesd: 31 Oct: 1786.
After the motions were over and Mr. William B: Pritchard sworn in as Cl. of papers &c the Court was opened by proclaim- which, by adjournment from Tuesd: 24th instant, was this day holden for examination. Wtses in the cause at [ILL] wherein Nemochurn Mullick – is Plf.
William Lushington, Deft

[Single Line]
1. The Order of the Court of King’s Bench for a writ of Mandamus to issue to the Judges of this Cot for the examin- of wtses on the part of the Plf in this cause, pursuant to 13 Geo. 3d – And that the Depositions so taken be transmitted under Seal of Supr. Cot to J. Abbot Esq Cl. of the Rules on the Plea side of [ILL] B.