1786-11-21 (static/transcriptions/1786/11/141.jpg)


16 Choit 1184 there is an entry (No. 16) of CR 2246.15 recd [from] Corr on Accot of Santiram Singh. No other
From the
On the 18 Choit 1184 there is an entry of CR 13500, recd from Mr. Moore on Acct of Santiram [from] [them?] till Shravun 1190 – no other sum.

22 Choit 1184 recd [from] Jarret on accot of a Bond for princ: [ILL] & int: 12477 [ILL] 3. on acct of Santiram Singh. [ILL] till 1190 no other Sum.