1786-11-21 (static/transcriptions/1786/11/146.jpg)
joint concern betw him & Santiram Singh. It was pd by me in cash.
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This is No. 18 Set off SR 12000 being = 13920 CR.
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1 Joisty 1186 (No. 19) there is an entry in anor book of money pd to Plf – on acct of his own weddg.
600 SR.
Qu. [ILL]
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Same book.
15 Assin 1186 (No. 20)
pd to Neelmoney & Sittaram out of money recd [from] Moore 1643 SR – pd by myself.
On Credit side of some accot 15 Assin recd [from] Mr. Moore [ILL]