1786-11-25 (static/transcriptions/1786/11/231.jpg)
To shew that Credit is given to the other Deft by the Admons for the under mentioned Sums.
Rx from the Accot Currt B
3 Maug. By Cash fm Banarassy Gose on acct of the Est.
CR 3451.1.6
30 Choit. By Cash from Banarassy on Acct: 13502.4.
[Double Line]
1. [ILL] Dep: for Deft Plf
in Reply.
Ramdulall Sill
A writer in the service of Radakissen Baboo; relates a convers that he had with Buddinat’h Paulit, in which Buddinat’h told him that deft had desired him to disobey the Subpoena & he would pay the fine. Wts adds that next morning went away & he has not seen him since.
Buddinat’h Paulit being the man who wrote the Kubbooleat.