1786-12-07 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/093.jpg)


and I shall examin how much is to be deducted for the Set off.
1. CR 30000. We say that Deft recd from Grant & Killican 30,000.
There is in the Inventory mention of a bond from C. Gr. Alone of 40000 CR & [from] G. & K one of 50000 CR and two [from] K. alone amg to 52,000 CR. The two first Sums after deducting 7000 CR before pd are put ­­togr In the Exh: C. as due from C. Grant. Mr. C. Grant’s separate bond was afterwards pd and entered in the Acct Current. But on the joint bd of G. & K: the Sum of 30000 was recd by two paymt viz 25000, on 24 Choit 1184, and 5000 on 4 Beisack, 3 days after the death of S. S. . . These Sums