1786-12-08 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/128.jpg)


CR. 23,682.11:6 18) The last Sum recd by Deft is that of CR 23682..11.6 which by Exh. C: he admits himself to have recd for rebuilding his house.

2,14,035:5.4 CRS
N. B. The total amount, as I have cast it up, is CR 2,34,913.5.3. But as cast up by Mr. Davies}
in pa: 74 it is only. } 228053.-.- this is clearly a mistake.
The difference is CR 6860:5:4
The true sum, after deducting a Few anas from No. 15, appears to me to be C.R. 234913..A-..P.10