1786-12-15 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/316.jpg)


Frid: 15 Dec: 1786.
The whole of this morning was passedin Court without any Trial
The Grand Jurors brot in an Address to the Court, chiefly respecting Arrack shops and disorderly houses, which the Judges promised to communicate to the Govr Genl & Council. [see a copy in my Lr book 1786.]
The Trial of Alexr Mackey for Murder was intended for to day & much time was spent in collecting togr the petite Jurors, and in calling and Inquiring after the Wtses for the prosecution. The Prosr & two or Wtses appear’d but 5 tho’ called on their Recogns: did not, & the Cot after examining on Oath the Prosr and a Tannadar, thot there was reason to suspect, that they stayed away in order to frustrate the Indt. each of them was fined a sum equal to that in which he had been bound by recognizance, and a Capias pro fine was ordered to be issued agt each