1786-12-18 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/340.jpg)
went down to the river & break their pots & such like.
X Exd.
My ground is divided from Mr. Whyatt’s by a narrow lane as well as by a wall. The wall is about six feet high from the side of the lane; the chapa, which comes tapering over it and the wall together are about ten feet high; not more. From the wall to the place, where Whyatt stood, is under fifteen yards. I was in the house all day, till I got the alarm. Then I came out and stood by the wall, towards the river side, my compound bounds the river side on the right, I stood about thirty or forty yards from the water which was then at the lowest. The woman deceased stood at a little distance from him me. She and another woman were come out of the necessary. The wall, just where I stood, and a little round that side is about as high as my shoulder; but; where the stone came over, it is higher by reason of the chapa: it is there about ten feet high from the lane, where the ground is