1786-12-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/506.jpg)


The King – agt John Hyatt
Murder bef: Mr. Justice Chambers &c
No. 3. P: 24.
Not Guilty. The Court much dissatisfied with the Verdict. N. B. He may prob: be ind: for murder of the child.
The K. agt Jas Bryarey
bef: Mr. Justice Jones
Calendar pa: 1. 5
Guilty of a com: assault
The K. agt Jannee
Grd Larcincy
Bef: Do
Do. P: 2. 6.
Guilty of Gr. Larceny – a silver watch.
The K. agt Sobaram Misser
Bef: Do
Do. P: 2. 7.
Guilty of assaulting a girl, recomd by the Jury to clemency
The K. agt Marsmyan
Bef: Do
Do. P: 3. 8.
Guilty – com: assault. Recomd by the Jury to the mercy of the Court.
The K. agt Durgaram Chuckerbutty
Subornation of Perjury
Bef: Do
Do. P: 4. 9.
Guilty – persuading a man to personate anor & [ILL] falsely – Conv: at Com: Law.
The K: agt Ramlochurn Naug
Do. P: 4. 10.
Guilty – a conv: on the Stat:
The K: agt Groopersaud Ghose
Misdemr in recq stolen goods
Bef: Mr. Justice Chambers
No. 3. P: 73. 1
Guilty. The Goods of Great val:
The King agt Domingo & Shaik [Geriff?]
No. 4 P: [ILL].
Domingo Guilty – Shaik Zeriff bec: indicted as principal when he ought to have been indicted