1786-12-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/524.jpg)
came, I asked him why he was so late. He answered: Mr. Harman went up to Chinsura and came down last night. I was sent for by Mr. Harman and went to his house this morning.” After this he made his salam to Mr. Driver. And then took me aside into a room; where he asked me if I could a business, “that is,” said he, “can you sell a draught?’ Why should a dellal have the benefit of a dellali? It will be better that the money should be gained by you than by a stranger.” I asked him, whose the draught was? He said, “it is the property of a French Gentleman, who lives at Chandernagor; but Mr. Harman is to receive the amount money from that Gentleman; who having no Sercar, delivered the draught to Mr. Harman, from whom I have brought it.” I asked him what was the amount of the draught, as he had not yet produced it. He answered 5000 Current Rupees with One year’s Interested, to that day, due on it”.