1779-07-09 (static/transcriptions/1779/07/007.jpg)
1779. 3 Term. Saturday July 10.
[Saturday] July 10th 1779.
Mr. Brix, Motion for Copy of the Indictment Spirit of Resentment and Revenge in the Prosecutors.
Put off till Chambers came.
We can not take notice of the Records of the late Mayor’s Court on this Record, but only of the Present Record. Impey. Newman, The Mayor’s Court was of very limited Jurisdiction.
The first Cause of Demurrer is that they are not good and effectual Judgments. The M. Ct. had not Jurisdiction either over the Person or Cause.
[Double Line]
Brix: After Chambers came.
Their having delay’d the prosecution till about two years after the Death of Shaubaz Beg Khan.
Their joining all the Witnesses.