1787-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1787/11/291.jpg)
unbecoming a gentleman – I answer by consulting those who are acqd with law, if he was not acqd with it himself, for the Maxim that Ignorance of the Law is no excuse, is in our Law true without Exception. Ignorantia Jurisquod quisque tenetur scire, necminem excusat, was also a maxim of the Roman Law, and though some of the roman Lawyers seem disposed to admit an Exception, (beside Infancy & other disabilities) it was only where the party was so situated that he cod not have the aid of legal advices furis ignomentiam nor prodesse, Sabeo ita accipiendrum existimat, si jurisconsulti copiam habenet, vel sua prudential instructus sit ut, ui facile sit scire, ei detriment sit juris ignorantia.
Dig: Sib: 22. T. C. per: 9